Project Description
Red Ledges
Heber City, Utah
Etainia began by taking over the hosting and maintenance of the legacy Red Ledges website and assisting in other digital marketing efforts in early 2010. Within a few months of upgrading their broadcast email and search engine marketing, etainia launched a News & Events blog to enhance Red Ledges’ social media and other marketing efforts allowing on-site staff and other consultants to update and post about the many activities at Red Ledges. After reorganizing the website’s architecture to streamline the communication and data-capture techniques, etainia launched a new website for Red Ledges in October of 2011. Etainia reorganized and redesigned the site a second time in 2013.
One of the client’s mandates was to create a fully cross-platform website – iphone and ipad friendly – and which did not contain any Flash components. Etainia utilized JQuery, AJAX and javascript to create animations and interactive photo galleries.