We don’t believe in cookie-cutter solutions. Our customized, innovative approach — combined with over two decades of experience — is what produces results. As we cultivate new, rigorously tested, effective strategies and tactics, we push further to shape and refine these ideas so they become yet more potent. Though most of our clients come to us as referrals and their objectives may be similar to those of existing and past clients, we know that every client has a unique set of marketing challenges to address. We relish each new project’s challenges and leverage every tool at our disposal to reach higher heights of premium digital marketing intelligence.
Customized programs tailored to each client’s needs.
Etainia differentiates itself by being a strategic agency that specializes in digital marketing, while understanding the world of traditional media inside-out. Working with top advertising, marketing and PR firms, we bring a wealth of print, television, radio and event marketing expertise to every project, from both the agency and the client perspectives. We leverage everything that came before the digital revolution and apply our command of this new medium for our clients’ benefit. While the technology continues to evolve, the desired results haven’t. Clients are still after more leads, more sales, detailed customer profiles, great customer relations management and timely, savvy PR.
Achieving these key performance indicators and providing a measurably superior ROI for our client is where etainia shines.
We produce and deliver compelling, effective and legal email communications that are tailored to your core-message, timing and distinct target demographic.
In order to minimize being blocked by spam filters, we send our emails using a broadcast system recognized by all the major free-email services (Hotmail, AOL, Yahoo, Gmail, etc.), authenticating your domain as an authorized sender and providing real-time reporting so you can monitor each campaign – even on your iPhone if you prefer.
By following up with close monitoring and reporting on the success of each message’s open-rates, click-through, unsubscribes, etc.— our email services are comprehensive, fully customized and exceptionally informative, resulting in effective touch-point campaigns for our clients.
Current Weather has become popular with clients who market real estate in resort locations, because it streams real-time weather, marine and other data into an engaging interface. We’ve enhanced basic weather features with a variety of information beyond temperature, including wind-speed, visibility, tides, sunrise, sunset, water temperature, wave status, snow conditions, etc. Our Current Weather features always becomes a top-viewed page.
The hole-by-hole golf course tour is another popular application that serves both prospects and owners interested in your golf amenity. By augmenting renderings and photography with details such as yardage information and tips on course design, along with audio or video commentary from the pro or designer, all 18 holes come to life for the golf aficionado.
Available Property applications are designed to make it easy for the potential buyer to find the home or homesite that most appeals to their needs, from currently available inventory. By showing pending and closed sales, home shoppers are driven to take action and contact the sales team about specific properties. Developers and community marketing teams can monitor and control the inventory to drive sales to specific property types, locations and price-points.
As a result of our deep experience in this field, we’ve developed a number of applications and programs tailored to each of the real estate industry’s distinct constituencies. At the top of the etainia tool-kit is our Availability Marketing® applications, providing interactive maps and tours of the properties with up-to-date availability status. Our engaging, multi-touch email communications tools—including soft-join forms and touch-point campaigns transform prospects from casual visitors to avid customers, propelling the sales process.
Etainia measures everything so we can provide our clients with reports that convert this complex process into comprehensive, meaningful metrics that answer all the important questions: Is your traffic up or down? Which days did it peak and how does that compare to other marketing activities? What were the most frequently viewed pages? How many visitors registered and where did they come from? What search phrase did they use to find you? How many people opened and clicked a link in your email campaign and where are they located? How much did you spend on online advertising, which targeted publications displayed your ads and what click-through ratios were achieved?
No other medium provides such detailed metrics and etainia consistently measures, refines, adjusts and improves each of the sites it builds and marketing campaigns so that our clients can watch their online efforts become more and more streamlined, successful and productive over time. KPI and ROI, meet our good friend, the Web.